Final Transnational Project Meeting (online) 30.11.20
The final transnational project meeting took plac on the YOUth COOPs Portal. The project coordinator and the project’s partners discussed the upcoming multiplier events and the overall evolution of the project that is going to be successfully concluded by December 2020. Meeting each other, even if online, is always a pleasure with this wonderful partnership and there will be other opportunities for collaboration perhaps within a YOUthCOOPs 2 project!
YOUth COOPs Toolkit, March 2020
YOUth COOPs Toolkit is adressed to young anspiring social and cooperative entrepreneurs and it contains all you need to know to set up your social cooperative. The toolkit includes all the materials produced during the learning activities of YOUth COOPs project and it’s easily and freely available on the YOUth COOPs Portal! What are you waiting for? Download it in your language!
YES -Youth Entrepreneurs Summit- Palermo (Italy), 17-20.02.20-
The BLENDED MOBILITY FOR YOUNG COOP-STARTERS of YOUth COOPs has been hosted by PRISM (Palermo, Italy). During these 5 days training, the aspiring young coop-starters increased their sense of initiative and social cooperative entrepreneurship, understood Social Economy and Social Business and now are able to use and apply Social Business Canvas Model for their business ideas!
3rd LEARNING ACTIVITY -Bratislava (Slovakia), 25-29.11.2019-
The third and last learning activity “Soft skills training for young coop-starters” has been hosted by ICEP (Bratislava, Slovakia). We worked a lot on ourselves and on how to transmit skills to potential coop-starters, we focussed on seven key skills an entrepreneur should have and should develop! Now we are ready to be mentors!
2nd LEARNING ACTIVITY -Sofia (Bulgaria), 21-25.10.2019-
The second learning activity “Social entrepreneurship and the cooperative business” has been hosted by ECQ (Sofia, Bulgaria). During the activity the COOPerators from Bulgaria, Spain, Slovakia and Italy went deeper in the canvas model expecially by analysing the market and by innovating the products. The focus was one more time on people and their value: not the exploitation but the strengthening of those aspects on which a social cooperative must be based!
1st LEARNING ACTIVITY -Gijòn (Spain), 23-27.09.2019-
The first learning activity “From social needs to social innovation” has been hosted by Magenta Consultoria (Gijòn, Asturias, Spain). It has been possible to: meet entrepreneurs, owners of cooperatives, legal experts; discuss about gender equality, youth unemployment, medical care and inclusion; focus on ideas using SWOT analysis and CANVAS business model; share opinions and points of view; really start to COOperating!
2nd TRANSNATIONAL MEETING -Slovakia,05-06.09.2019 -
The 2nd transnational meeting has been hosted by ICEP in Bratislava, Slovakia. The entire partnership is now ready to start the Learning Activities: the target group ONE, modules, timetables, objectives are well defined and participants are looking forward to COOPerate in Gijon, Spain!
ICEP is implementing and designing the Open Learning Portal with the support of the entire partnership. The portal will provide a complete supported learning experience on social entrepreneurship and a depository for all interactive learning materials co-created and sponsored by partner organisations. And that’s not all: the certification of competences throught the portal will be possible!
IO1-A1 LOCAL FOCUS GROUPS -Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Slovakia-
Prism has created the structure of the interview to implement the Focus Group. Each partner has organized a set of interviews to optimize needs, ideas, feedbacks and contributions from youth organisations, young people and experts in academic lecturing on entrepreneurship. The result? A common and shared starting point for the elaboration of the teaching methods and modules!
KICK OFF MEETING -Spain, 24.01.2019-
The KOF hosted by Tribeka has been the starting point of YOUth COOPs. In the beautiful city of Malaga, the entire partnership has discussed about the project, with its objectives, outputs and target groups. The focus has been on young people, business ideas and social cooperatives! Nothing has been left up to chance: the steps are well defined as the main goals!